A Dose of Knowledge: Vaccines Explained

Written by: Sudil Mahendra, Associate Scientific Director

There are now at least 28 critical human diseases that have safe and effective vaccines – so why is “vaccine hesitancy” such a popular topic right now?

Healthcare providers understand there are a myriad of factors that increase hesitancy, such as racism in healthcare, questions about long-term data, and confusion from multiple information sources. Because nearly 8 in 10 US adults say they would seek their healthcare providers when deciding whether or not to get the COVID-19 vaccine, physicians have said they need help from pharma in helping their patients, and having standardized conversations that address patient concerns at an individual basis.

Our Associate Scientific Director, Sudil Mahendra, is one of our experts who helps physicians have those conversations, by providing simple education around vaccine terms and other public health issues. If you need to fuel the scientific knowledge in your materials, send Delia Pavlichko a note!

Drew Griffin