A Month of Kindness with Razorfish Health

Written by: Kara Dugan, President

Like many of you, we’re excited to enter the last few months of 2021. November is a natural time for many of us to reflect on what we are thankful for, to give back to our communities, and to consider how we can be compassionate to those around us. To double down on this idea, at Razorfish Health (RFH) we are dubbing November the “Month of Kindness.” We will be encouraging RFH employees and our followers to engage in daily acts of kindness that show compassion and goodwill to themselves, their coworkers, and their communities.

At RFH we are people-first, people-strong—and what a better way to support each other than by being kind. Below is our Month of Kindness calendar. Join us in this month-long initiative to not only reinforce our commitment to social good, but to kick off the holidays by celebrating World Kindness Day (11/13), Thanksgiving (11/25), and Giving Tuesday (11/30).

We encourage you to follow along and share your acts of kindness with us on social media.

At Razorfish Health we believe communications have the power to impact all—and thanks to internal initiatives, like RFHCares, our agency is able to organize opportunities for our employees to give back to their communities in a way that is meaningful to them.

Most recently we have:

  • Contributed $2,150 to first responders and military veterans through Operation Gratitude

  • Adopted 3 local hospitals and provided food to the frontline staff

  • Provided $2,000 to Feeding America

  • Participated and donated $500 to TPAN’s “Ride for Life” fundraiser

  • Donated free advertising space to a black-owned small business, POCSTOCK

  • Supported our employees through “Volunteer Days,” allowing them to take a day to provide service or care to an organization or operation of their choice

 If you’re interested in partnering with us, please reach out to info@razorfishhealth.com.

Paula Cuerquis