Adjusting to the New Normal: An Intern’s Experience Working Remotely

Written by: Molly Becker, Growth Intern

Relaxation is something I have always struggled with, and it felt like all of my Instagram and TikTok feeds before the pandemic showcased people creating new and exciting moments in their lives. As I adjusted to remote life, I, along with everyone else, had to shift my daily routines to be productive, and honestly, to keep my sanity. When this internship began, full days of Zoom meetings quickly became the norm. The anxiety of unmuting yourself, which replaces raising your hand, and the feeling of everyone looking at your little square up on their computer, never seemed to end.

In our current state of the world a “remote” state of being is now deemed as normal, and anything other than opening your laptop and starting your day on a screen seems unnatural. It may be years until we understand the impact a severe lack of in-person interactions may have on society and us as individuals. Many aspects of everyday life and the workplace environment have changed forever, whether it is interpersonal skills, project sharing, or even basic mental health. For me, staying consistently active is something I am working on, but everyone should feel both relieved and accomplished that they have navigated through such an unprecedented moment.

If you asked me this time last year where I would be right now, I never would have imagined I would be interning at such an incredible company. When I received the call from HR that I had been accepted as the Marketing/Business Development Intern at Razorfish Health, I was in disbelief considering the seemingly never-ending internship process. The past year has made me question my abilities in communications as there was little communication in-person to help build my confidence and strengthen my skill set. However, I tried my best to adjust to the “new normal” and ultimately feel that I have proven to myself that I can succeed no matter the challenge. Although I was disappointed not to have an in-person experience this summer, the people at Publicis Health have made this internship program so welcoming and supportive that I am truly enjoying my summer work.

I want to share some experiences of mine that will hopefully help revise your routine if you are feeling virtual fatigue.

1. Do not feel you have to be glued to your screen 24/7

Day 1 of my internship program I sat at my laptop, and I do not think I moved from 9-5. I set up an office in my basement and forgot that it is okay to go outside for a minute or take 20 minutes to eat lunch. It’s okay to take a break!

2. Try to wake up an hour before work and get your body moving

It took me until the third week of the intern program to wake up early and try and get a workout in or even a walk outside, eat a healthy breakfast and drink a coffee all before my 9 a.m. start. This has increased my energy throughout the day and forces me to change out of my pajamas to business casual pajamas.

3. Remind yourself it is not weird to reach out to other people with a text, gif, or most importantly a question

Being remote, it takes out the opportunity to build friendships around the office and with your team. My manager set up many 1-1 meetings so I can feel like I am becoming part of the team at Razorfish Health.

4. Try your best to ask questions and remember, everyone is in the same boat

For me, I have felt it is easy to feel like everyone is doing better than you and knows exactly what they want to do when they graduate from college. I have finally learned that people may act like they have it all figured out, but everyone makes mistakes and learns from each experience.

5. Take time to focus on yourself

I know this is cliché, but when was the last time you read a book for pleasure, or tried something new? Try and schedule 30 minutes a day to do something you love so you have something to look forward to after work, even though usually I just need a nap after staring at the screen for hours!

The work and home life balance are challenges that many people have had to face. Virtual fatigue is so real! It sometimes makes you not want to be social after a day all alone at your computer, and other times it can cause a feeling of loneliness even though you may be surrounded by people on your screens all day. 

My internship at Publicis Health is everything I wanted and a lot of things I didn’t even know I needed! From the summer-long internship project, meeting an incredible team of strong intelligent women, to finally feeling like I am one step forward to learning what I want to do after school, I am so thankful for the experience at PH and the supportive team of incredible people that came along with it. The “new normal” way of life seemingly changes everyday, making it important to adjust your routine and focus on how it makes you feel in the hopes of defeating virtual fatigue while balancing your work-from-home schedule.

Paula Cuerquis