A Fish Out of Water: An Intern’s First Dive Into Advertising

Written by: Darlene Antoine, Copywriting Intern

Somewhere in life, we’ve all been asked the question, “What would you like to be when you grow up?” The good-natured query often comes from attentive parents or introspective teachers, all eager to mold untapped adolescent potential into a promise of an ambitious future. And, while other kids eventually grew out of childhood dreams of being a president or princess and into politics or hospitality, I always struggled to find my way. The idea of having to choose a singular profession or field has frequently made me feel constrained. I found myself struggling to choose between traditional and creative career paths when all I wanted was a unique combination of both. I carried this with me as I entered college at Florida Atlantic University in 2019. Split between the two passions, I took on a double B.A. in Political Science and English.

From analyzing piles of classic literature and studying government, I sought more ways to further my academic and professional journey. My past experiences as a consultant at the University Writing Center of Excellence (UCEW) and the features editor at the University Press, allowed me to collaborate and receive valuable critiques and advice to foster my growth as a student and a writer. While these experiences were fruitful, I decided that pursuing an internship would provide me the ideal learning experience for professional exploration and development.

Through a message from Sarah Parrish, VP, Program Manager, ANA Educational Foundation, and the support of Lori DePace, Program Manager, Publicis Health, I found myself with the perfect opportunity to gain the valuable experience and insight into the professional world I’d always longed for. Though I never imagined myself within the healthcare industry, I was drawn toward the idea of helping bridge the gap between informative communication and building sincere patient-audience connections.

While at times I feel like a “fish out of water” in a sea of business and marketing experts, the strong support and guidance of the Razorfish Health creative team have helped me to trust and believe in my professional journey. From one-on-one virtual meetings with industry professionals to group-chatting other interns, I find myself becoming more acclimated to the virtual workspace. Working as a copywriting intern at Razorfish Health allows me to assist in the process of storytelling while also raising awareness for communities in need. I believe that being a part of the Razorfish Health creative team will give me crucial insight into the future I aim to accomplish.

It’s only been a few weeks since the start of my internship, but so far I’ve gotten a chance to learn how copywriting can be incorporated into different projects. From assisting on creative projects to line editing one-pagers, being able to share new ideas and creative feedback allows me to believe in myself and my prospective career path. I hope to continue to build my expertise in the advertising industry and trust in the journey that lies ahead. Perhaps by the end of the summer, I’ll be able to answer the question, “What do I want to do when I grow up?”

Paula Cuerquis