Navigating Change for HCPs

Written by: Kara Dugan, President

The last year has seen tremendous growth and progress for Razorfish Health and we will carry that momentum into 2022—starting with being named a 2022 Ad Age Best Place to Work. This achievement is a testament to the continued growth of our agency and our people-first, people-strong philosophy. It is because of our people that we were able to make this list. It’s always been my belief that happy people and a successful business go hand in hand, which is why I’m confident we will continue to see success for both our agency and our clients.  

As we move into 2022, we are focused on how we can best support our clients and HCPs as they adapt to an unconstrained world. HCPs, like all of us, have shifted to working on their terms. Some are adapting their lives to a hybrid of in-person and telehealth; changing the way they interact with patients and reps, and changing how they consume content.  Because of that, we, as marketers, must adjust the way we are providing content so that we can meet the HCP where they are.

With the valuable research and insight our teams bring, we’re poised to create and deliver tools that will help deliver better outcomes. I’m excited about what that means for how we create and deliver tools for HCPs and patients to navigate that change when it comes to their health. HCPs seek information and real-world data in a way that fits their new work reality: like self-guided IVAs, real-time connections to MSLs/reps/peers, and digital access/coverage materials that can be emailed directly to patients during a live or telehealth visit. And according to Condé Nast Health and Publicis Health, “[doctors] now spend two hours in administrative tasks for every hour they spend with patients, and 74% say they spend 10 and 20 hours per week on clerical work”[1]—making the need for easy-to-consume content even more critical.

 Pharmaceutical companies and agencies, like RFH, that use technology to meet HCPs on their terms will be in demand in the coming year. We are looking forward to helping our clients address what this means for doctors, patients, the doctor/rep relationship, and the doctor/patient relationship.

At Razorfish Health, we know what it takes to navigate the modern health care landscape. If you want to fuel your knowledge, please reach out to We’re interested in hearing your perspective as well as your thoughts on the upcoming communication challenges and opportunities.

Source: 1 . From Paternalism to Partnership: An Investigation. The Doc with the Dragon Tattoo. 2022.

Paula Cuerquis